The Land Between

The Land Between is a Canadian registered charity dedicated to achieving bioregionalism by conserving and strengthening wildlife and habitat in Southern Ontario. They operate through 7 program areas: Water Health, Biodiversity, Culture and Identity, Climate Change Economics and Good Governance, Education and Youth, Indigenous Projects, and Special Projects.
Unfortunately, the organization has limited capacity to fund the infrastructure needed to support their wildlife-in-care, which are ambassadors and teaching helpers for their community science programs. Their most recent rescue Jeremiah requires special infrastructure, specifically a filtration system, traction systems and accessibility features for their Teaching Turtles program.
To provide The Land Between with the necessary funding to purchase the infrastructure elements necessary for Jeremiah’s wellbeing and thus continuity of the Teaching Turtles Program, integral to their organization’s operation.
Brighter Together will provide the funds to support the costs of the materials. This will ensure an efficient continued operation with their Teaching Turtles Program.
Cost Breakdown:
Funds to be raised:
The total funds will be donated by Brighter Together and Bright Immigration.
We ensure that 100% of the funds donated will be allocated towards this project along with any transaction fees.